The e-media portfolio is unique in that it aims to motivate, inspire and draw its audience in with visual presentations. This visually-based presentation of leisure travelling, culture & arts, destinations and experiences, the outdoor and nature combined with our specific e-magazine format and distribution, fits in well with current professional and leisure travel communication strategies. Our media is provided in digital format for easy access and provides clear, concise information on accessibility, accommodation, amenities and activities. As a result the message transmitted is effective, easy to retain having maximum impact on the target audience.


Portfolio of e-publications:

A World of Culture — a focus on a unique cultural aspect of a destination

STEDEN! — city break destinations

Wereld voor Fietsers — active cycling routes, tips and reviews

Wereld van Wandelen — hiking routes, tips and reviews

Your Wellness — destinations with a focus on well-being - Dutch and English

Dream Hotels — exquisite hotels worldwide - English

Eilandleven — dream island destinations - Dutch and English

Landschappen van de Wereld — inspiring scenery for outdoor experiences

City e-specials — in-depth focus on a single city as a holiday destination

Regional/country e-specials — deep dive into a particular region or country as a holiday destination

cultural e-specialsCultural e-specials — a deep dive into a unique cultural location (eg Sagrada Familia, Semper Oper)


The Royal Library has a special e-magazine app through which its e-members can read magazines.'s e-publications are part of this. For e-members of the library, our e-magazines can be viewed as part of membership. Members download the app from

From March 2024, our issues will also be available to member-visitors at their local branch of the Belgian library: the Bib. For info, visit

Further e-partnerships are in place with a number of online outlets such as:


• Kobo

• Amazon Kindle



 logos-distri-partners.jpg's e-media portfolio is all about inspiring, motivating and engaging our readers with stunning visuals and engaging content on culture and art, lifestyle and joie de vivre, destinations and experiences, city trips, wellness and outdoor living and nature. Our dedicated e-magazine format and excellent distribution partners provide a quality context. Our e-portfolio is perfectly suited to today's travellers.